BWRT® was created by a gentleman called Terence Watts after he came across an experiment carried out in 1983 by Benjamin Libet who proved that we do not have free will in the way that we think we do.
Curious to find out more?
Who better to explain this process than the founder himself, Terence Watts.
BWRT®’ stands for BrainWorking Recursive Therapy®. BWRT® is a model of psychology and psychotherapy created by UK professional therapist, Terence Watts, MCGI.
It’s a totally confidential method that does not require you to reveal your private information or personal secrets to your therapist and it is carried out in a completely conscious state.
It does not use hypnosis or any concepts that might be considered mystical or unscientific - it’s completely logical, practical and down-to-earth, and for it to succeed only needs you to know what you want to change in your life.
Only Certified Practitioners have been trained to deliver BWRT® and all have to adhere to a strict ethical code.
Working with the core aspects of self identity and most forms of addiction
If you have had any kind of Counselling or therapy, you will know it can sometimes be frustrating, awkward, or even traumatic, as your brain mulls over problems, past and present.
It can often feel as though your problem is compounded as you regularly revisit and cover the same ground with little or no resolution.
With BWRT®, you don’t even need to discuss the cause or root of the problem, making the concept of treating it feel a lot more comfortable.
In fact, it surprises most clients to realise I can work completely content-free, with the same outstanding results.
In a BWRT® session, which usually takes around an hour, I will ask you to target the thing you don’t like about how you are behaving and feeling, and instead focus on how you would prefer to be instead.
Essentially, I will guide you to freeze your unwanted response before it goes past your lizard brain – rather than letting the emotion or action form in the conscious part of your mind.
BWRT® differs from other well-known therapies such as CBT, which looks to change your response or reaction once the troubling emotion has already formed and reached conscious awareness.
Unfortunately, when using therapies such as CBT or Counselling this is an impossible task as when you begin to think about your problem you will find that you are already responding to it, making it a never-ending vicious circle.
The Lizard brain is very literal and it keeps a record of everything that it has ever seen, heard, felt, smelt, touched or experienced throughout your entire life. It forms patterns using this information and then uses it as a means to automatically decide how to respond in any given situation.
Your brain essentially works using ‘like patterns’
So, if something was dangerous in your brain once, as far as your brain is concerned it is still dangerous now. It may interest you to learn that it does not matter how old a memory is either, because the brain does not understand chronological time so it will work just as speedily on an old trauma of 50 years ago as it would on a trauma that occurred only yesterday.
These patterns once created cannot be resolved using conscious techniques such as CBT and Counselling as the problem does not lie in the conscious brain.
A person with a spider phobia will likely respond with fear to a black piece of fluff seen through the corner of their eye blowing across the floor BEFORE consciously realising there is no spider.
The brain has taken the pattern of black, and movement and automatically decided it is dangerous, producing adrenaline and fear immediately. Half a second later the conscious brain kicks in and decides it is a harmless piece of fluff and you begin to relax.
A person fearful of flying will respond automatically with fear even at the very thought of booking a holiday abroad even though there is no immediate threat.
Your speedy brain works faster than the most sophisticated computer system on the planet and it responds automatically to ANY pattern that it recognises immediately, which is half a second before you have become consciously aware of it.
An example of this in action is an insect can fly towards your face and you will blink first and then realise consciously after the event that you had already blinked. It never happens the other way round.
Acting at this crucial, innate position in the half-second gap, BWRT® works its magic by breaking and re-routing the neural pathways in the brain.
This is where I come in to help you break that automatic pattern using the speed of BWRT®.
The founder of this therapy Terence Watts says:
“It takes that false, scared or limited personality away, and trades it with who you really want to be”
“In essence it’s a natural and practical form of therapy, and the best thing is, the change comes completely from within you.”
BWRT® sessions are carried out safely in the comfort of your own home using zoom
To find out more about my therapies and how they helped other people to battle and overcome their mental and emotional issues, you can read some of my clients’ testimonials.
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